Tag Archives: buy diabetes care products online

The Importance of Diabetes Testing Machines – A Comprehensive Guide | Metromedi

By | July 6, 2024

Understanding Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the body either cannot produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. This leads to elevated blood glucose levels, which, if left unmanaged, can result in serious health complications, including heart disease, kidney failure, and vision… Read More »

How to Reverse the Diabetes | MetroMedi

By | January 25, 2023

Diabetes is a commonly occurring systemic disease. We all have a family member or colleague affected by diabetes. Diabetes is controlled by taking insulin or pills daily for the rest of your life. This leads to a question. Is reversing diabetes possible? A situation where reversing type 2 diabetes is possible without lifelong medication. When… Read More »

Buy Best Diabetic Products Online in India | MetroMedi

By | January 17, 2023

Buy the Best Diabetic Products Online at Your Doorstep with MetroMedi: Being a Diabetic patient often hampers the quality of life that you lead. It is one of those diseases that demand constant care and need to be managed with constant care. Today, there are a lot of natural products to effectively manage diabetes and live… Read More »

Prediabetes: Prevent Type 2 Diabetes | Metromedi

By | January 12, 2023

What does Pre-diabetes mean? Prediabetes is a condition where the blood sugar level is higher than normal, but is not high enough to get diagnosed as diabetes. Based on a recent study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research, 14% of the Indian population is predisposed to diabetes. Prediabetes in a person can increase the risks of developing… Read More »

4 Steps to Manage Your Diabetes For Life | Metromedi

By | December 12, 2022

Diabetes is a long-standing condition and the leading cause of major complications like heart attacks, paralysis, loss of eyesight, kidney failure, foot infections and gangrene. But these complications can be prevented by properly managing diabetes and related conditions. This can be done by following these 4 steps regularly throughout life: Diet, lifestyle, medications and monitoring.… Read More »

Diabetes: 5 Healthy Carbs to Curb Blood Sugar Spikes | MetroMedi

By | December 5, 2022

Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, isn’t something you can ignore as uncontrolled blood sugar levels can lead to disastrous consequences for your heart, kidney, blood vessels, eyes and worsen your quality of life. Apart from medication, diabetes requires a complete lifestyle shift from diet modification to regular physical activity. When it comes to food, people with… Read More »

Buy Best Diabetic Products Online | Online Pharmacy in Kukatpally | MetroMedi

By | November 4, 2022

Diabetes is a dangerous disease that can lead to heart disease, renal failure, blindness, and amputation, among other complications. Diabetes is known as the “silent killer” because it typically goes unnoticed until major consequences arise. Diabetes is more common in men than in women. One reason men are more likely than women to get diabetes… Read More »

How to use a glucometer?

By | January 20, 2022

Whether a person has type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or gestational diabetes, they may need to test and monitor their blood sugar levels at home on a regular basis. One of the most effective strategies to manage diabetes is to test blood sugar levels. It explains how the illness is affected by diet, drugs,… Read More »