5 Amazing Ways To Protect Your Skin in Winter

By | December 24, 2018

Winter is one such season, most in the east love personally during these months. Though it has some slightly uncomfortable feels due to extra dryness of skin, especially on the cold exposed parts like the face, hands, and feet. This results in rashes and cracks on the skin, often sometimes in extreme cases skin might break and flow of blood. People living in extremely cold conditions need some of the other skincare products, this gets worst if one has dry skin.

Thousands of cosmetic brands hit the market with various lotions, creams, and gels as moisturizers. So skincare is a seasonal aspect who live in tropical regions, but it is an essential need for inhabitants of extremely cold or hot places. One has to dig their pockets deep for getting these brands into our shelves. With simple and handy home remedies, still, we can keep healthy, with little care, not just in winter but all through the year.

Skincare with simple, natural, and economical home remedies is mostly preferred over chemical and expensive skincare. These remedies can be adopted for moderate to low cold winters rather than any extreme cold regions. Few simple tips like cleaning with lukewarm water and Oil massage can moist the winter skin.

So here we list some of the 5 best simple, affordable, and natural skincare home remedies during winter.

  1. Olive oilIt has abundant antioxidants which work as a cleanser, moisturizer, and protects the skin. Vitamin A and E are two major antioxidants, the former helps in neutralizing the oxidizing effect that damages the collagen of skin and causes wrinkles. Whereas the latter helps in blood circulation in the dermis. There are plenty of oils as an alternative to olive oils are coconut oils, almond oils, and avocado oils. Slightly warmed oils would be a little more effective during oil massages.
  2. Castor OilIt is widely available and the most common oils used in treating dry skin for ages. With the entry of plenty of creams, lotions, and many others, the significance of use with this castor oil has gradually gone down. It can be used among all age groups from infant to old age. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, hence it can reduce stretch marks, sunburn, acne, and dry skin. Massage with castor oils before showers or baths would keep the skin surface smooth and shiny.
  3. Protect skin by coveringAs winters are mostly characterized by dry cold air and hot sun rays on the skin are affected more in drying the skin much faster. Hence covering with jumpers, scarves, and gloves can keep the moisture retain, so as to protect from excessive dryness during winters.
  4. Aloe Vera gelA succulent herb, where its use in many cosmetics has huge significance. This is a natural method to cleanse and moisturize at the same time. The gel is extracted by a squeeze from its leaf and apply on the face, hands, and feet. This could remove impurities on the skin surface and cleanse very effectively. This can neutralize very effective when compared to any synthetic cleansers and moisturizers.
  5. Drink more watersMost often tend to drink less water especially during winters, we prefer any hot drinks like tea and coffee. But our skin need neutralises to be hydrated with sufficient water intake irrespective of seasons. Instead, lukewarm waters with slight lemon mixed in them would help greatly. Any fluids can also be included instead of plain waters.

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